- Qoşuldu
- 10 Sen 2022
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- 244
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html, css, bootstrap, js, jquery, php, mysql proqramlasdirma dillerinden istifade ederek, tam sifirdan hazirladigim FB stickers scriptini sizlere teqdim etmek isteyirem.
Birden cox eyni anda fb stickers paylasmaq mumkundur.
Paylasarken ve ya paylasdiqdan sonra, hemin stickerin gif formatinda hereket etmesi (onbaxis) ucun mobil telefondan hemin stickerin uzerine click etmek, komputerden ise mouse-ni stickers-in uzerine getirmek kifayetdir.
Eyni zamanda sticker secerken sag terefde + (plus) ikonuna tiklayaraq, acilan sehifede stickers kateqoriyalarini aktivlesdirmek ve ya tam eksini yerine yetirmek mumkundur.
Numune: FB stickers
Qiymet: whatsapp nomreme yazin.
Qeyd: istenilen mesajlasma funksiyasina gore saytlara uygunlasdira bilerem.
I would like to present to you the FB stickers script that I prepared completely from scratch using html, css, bootstrap, js, jquery, php, mysql programming languages.
It is possible to share more than one fb sticker at the same time.
While sharing or after sharing, it is enough to click on the sticker from the mobile phone, and move the mouse over the stickers from the computer to make the sticker move in gif format.
At the same time, by clicking on the + (plus) icon on the right side when selecting a sticker, it is possible to activate the categories of stickers on the pop-up page or do the exact opposite.
Sample: FB stickers
Price: Write my whatsapp number.
Note: I can adapt to sites with the desired messaging function.
Birden cox eyni anda fb stickers paylasmaq mumkundur.
Paylasarken ve ya paylasdiqdan sonra, hemin stickerin gif formatinda hereket etmesi (onbaxis) ucun mobil telefondan hemin stickerin uzerine click etmek, komputerden ise mouse-ni stickers-in uzerine getirmek kifayetdir.
Eyni zamanda sticker secerken sag terefde + (plus) ikonuna tiklayaraq, acilan sehifede stickers kateqoriyalarini aktivlesdirmek ve ya tam eksini yerine yetirmek mumkundur.
Numune: FB stickers
Qiymet: whatsapp nomreme yazin.
Qeyd: istenilen mesajlasma funksiyasina gore saytlara uygunlasdira bilerem.
I would like to present to you the FB stickers script that I prepared completely from scratch using html, css, bootstrap, js, jquery, php, mysql programming languages.
It is possible to share more than one fb sticker at the same time.
While sharing or after sharing, it is enough to click on the sticker from the mobile phone, and move the mouse over the stickers from the computer to make the sticker move in gif format.
At the same time, by clicking on the + (plus) icon on the right side when selecting a sticker, it is possible to activate the categories of stickers on the pop-up page or do the exact opposite.
Sample: FB stickers
Price: Write my whatsapp number.
Note: I can adapt to sites with the desired messaging function.
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