- Qoşuldu
- 10 Sen 2022
- Mesajlar
- 244
- Reaksiya hesabı
- 129
- Xallar
- 43
Script satisi ederken, scriptinizin elden-ele kecmemesi ucun php faylarinizi tam guvenli sekilde mene kodlasdira bilersiniz.
Kodlasdirma mene mexsusdur ve decode olunmamasi ucun bacardigim qeder cetin alqoritmalardan istifade etmisem.
Ekser masterler en guclu proqramlar ile decode etmeye calisib lakin decode etmeyi bacarmayib.
Ozune guvenen masterler asagidaki linkden php faylini yukleyib decode etmeye cehd ede biler lakin aciqcasi decode ede bileceyine inanmiram.
Xahis edirem ki, decode ede bilmeyib, qiymet oldurmek ucun, subutsuz sekilde "men decode etdim" deye bos mesajlarla movzunu korlamayin.
Qiymeti oyrenmek ucun whatsapp nomreme yaza bilersiniz.
You can encode your php files to me in a completely safe way so that your script does not pass from hand to hand when you are selling your script to outsiders.
Encoding is entirely mine and I used as many advanced algorithms as I could to avoid being decoded.
Most masters tried to decode with the most powerful programs, but could not achieve it.
Self-confident masters can download the php file from the link below and try to decode it, but I don't believe that they will be able to decode it.
Please don't spoil the topic with empty messages saying that "I have decoded it" without proof to kill the price if you can't decode it.
You can write to my whatsapp number to learn the price.
Kodlasdirma mene mexsusdur ve decode olunmamasi ucun bacardigim qeder cetin alqoritmalardan istifade etmisem.
Ekser masterler en guclu proqramlar ile decode etmeye calisib lakin decode etmeyi bacarmayib.
Ozune guvenen masterler asagidaki linkden php faylini yukleyib decode etmeye cehd ede biler lakin aciqcasi decode ede bileceyine inanmiram.
Xahis edirem ki, decode ede bilmeyib, qiymet oldurmek ucun, subutsuz sekilde "men decode etdim" deye bos mesajlarla movzunu korlamayin.
Qiymeti oyrenmek ucun whatsapp nomreme yaza bilersiniz.
You can encode your php files to me in a completely safe way so that your script does not pass from hand to hand when you are selling your script to outsiders.
Encoding is entirely mine and I used as many advanced algorithms as I could to avoid being decoded.
Most masters tried to decode with the most powerful programs, but could not achieve it.
Self-confident masters can download the php file from the link below and try to decode it, but I don't believe that they will be able to decode it.
Please don't spoil the topic with empty messages saying that "I have decoded it" without proof to kill the price if you can't decode it.
You can write to my whatsapp number to learn the price.
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