- Qoşuldu
- 10 Sen 2022
- Mesajlar
- 246
- Reaksiya hesabı
- 129
- Xallar
- 43
Salam, SASS ile sifirdan kodlasdirdigim mobile kicik dizayni sizlere teqdim etmek isteyirem.
Numune: Sass dizayn
Qiymet baresinde oyrenmek isteyenler whatsapp nomreme yaza biler.
Hello, I would like to present to you a small mobile design that I coded from scratch with SASS.
Demo: Sass design
Those who want to learn about the price can write to my whatsapp number.
Numune: Sass dizayn
Qiymet baresinde oyrenmek isteyenler whatsapp nomreme yaza biler.
Hello, I would like to present to you a small mobile design that I coded from scratch with SASS.
Demo: Sass design
Those who want to learn about the price can write to my whatsapp number.